IJAST is committed to maintaining the content it publishes and to alerting readers to changes if and when they occur. The IJAST content that will have the Crossmark icon is restricted to current and future journal content and limited to specific publication types (see below) and only on content hosted by the official IJAST website ( Articles in Press will not have the Crossmark icon for the present.
Crossmark, a multi-publisher initiative from CrossRef, provides a standard way for readers to locate the authoritative version of a document. SARES and also IJAST recognizes the importance of the integrity and completeness of the scholarly record to researchers and librarians and attaches the highest importance to maintaining trust in the authority of its electronic archive. Clicking on the Crossmark icon will inform the reader of the current status of a document and may also provide additional publication record information about the document.
All content published by IJAST (final version of record made available to the public) is permanently published. Occasionally updates to or new versions of content are warranted; however, the original version, once published, cannot be altered or withdrawn, except under extreme circumstances, and is otherwise permanently available on IJAST website.
Publication item giving additional information regarding another publication item, mostly presenting additional results.
Additional, minor details published to add clarity or remove confusion.
An addition or substitution made to an element of a published work in place of what is misleading or wrong, where the publication is otherwise reliable.
Article in which errors are reported that were made in an earlier publication in the same journal. Can be Corrigendum (author error) but also Erratum (publishing error).
Article in which errors are reported that were made in an earlier publication in the same journal. Can be Erratum (publishing error) but also Corrigendum (author error).
A statement acknowledging the following, or similar situations: a) inconclusive evidence of errors in the published work that may make it unreliable, b) potential misconduct, or c) where an investigation is underway, but a conclusion will not be reached for some period of time.
A new publication where substantial changes have been made to essential elements of the original work (e.g., text, notes, appendices, or illustrations), leading to publication of a new work (applicable to books only, and it is not applicable for the articles)
An updated book or standard where descriptions or examples have been made current but essential elements have not been changed to the extent of a new edition (applicable to books and standards only, and it is not applicable for the articles).
An acknowledgment that a significant portion of the findings presented in a published work is unreliable; if the majority of the results are sound, corrections or errata may be sufficient. The HTML pages and PDF pages of the article marked with this “partially retracted” not in the footer of each page. Also a list of retracted items list written down at the end of the article.
The text of the article is removed. The HTML pages and PDF pages of the article are completely removed and replaced by a single page with citation details and an explanation.
The text of the article is retracted. The HTML pages are replaced by a single page with citation details and an explanation. The PDF pages remain with a watermark on every page to notify it is retracted.
Physical removal of a published work from the publisher’s archive that is posted on the publisher’s site. Citation to the withdrawn content remains accessible so that the historic record of scholarship remains intact, and the publisher should retain the content in some form even though it is not publicly available. (Contact if you believe your update is a withdrawal